Monday, February 23, 2015

Fourth Post

Today in class we watched a documentary on the starting causes of the civil war. The civil war was a war between the northern and southern states of the united states. The southern states seceded from the union and tried to create their own independent confederate republic. The north would not let this happen and attacked to add them back to the united states. The civil war was the bloodiest war in the history of the united states and took the lives of over 600,000 soldiers and even more civilian casualties. This is not the most in depth description of the civil war but this post is about the causes of the war rather than the war itself.

Now that we have a simple background of what the civil war actually was lets look at some of the causes of the war.

Cause 1- Slavery
A) The north apposed slavery, and did not allow it.
B) The south depended on slavery, and considered it a way of life and a necessity.
C) The souths primary source of income was the farming of cotton and tobacco, this required many laborers, and in the south those laborers were slaves. Slaves therefor drove the southern economy and way of life.
Cause 2- The abolitionist movement up north.
A) Southerners detested northern abolitionists, and there movement, as it caused uprisings and insurrection among southern slaves, which made up a third of the southern populace.
B) The abolitionist movement encouraged southern slaves to escape to the northern free states, as well as painting southern slave owners as barbarians.
Cause 3- Women
A) Women lead a lot of the abolitionist movement, this angered southerners greatly as they did not value women and felt that it was a slap in the face the they held power over them.
Cause 4- Slave holding, and free states
A) Decisions about which states would be free states and which states would be slave holding states caused serious conflicts between northern and southern people.
Cause 5- The election of Abraham Lincoln as President
A) Southerners detested Lincoln
B) fearing that southern states will not be represented fairly they start to secede and create the confederacy.

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