Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fifth Blog Post

Todays blog post is going to be about the moot court going on in todays class. The moot court in todays class is Plessy V. Ferguson.

The first side of the argument is on the side of Plessy and is being argued by team Reagan. A black man who bought a ticket for a train ride, more specifically he bought a ticket for the white luxury cabin on the train which was illegal for black people to ride on and in. Plessy was arrested by police for this act. This team argues that the train company purposely set Plessy up willingly selling him a ticket in the luxury cabin, having an undercover officer in that train car ready to arrest Plessy among entrance to said train car. They argue that african americans under the law are said to have equal rights but in fact do not share equal rights white citizens.

The second side of the argument is in favor of ferguson and is being argued by team Red white and better than you. They argue on the side of the state and there argument is as follows. They argue that this is not a federal regulatory issue and having separate black and white train cars is for the publics safety, because there were so many african americans in the southern states. They also argue that its the states right to protect the publics safety and segregating train cars does just that by eliminating the possibility of conflict between white and black citizens. They also say that the act of Plessy buying a ticket for the white train car was not a set up on behalf of the train company instead it was actually a planned act by the civil rights group that Plessy belonged to. (Winners)

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